Changes to our Pricing

At KeyNest, our mission is to deliver the most convenient, secure, and friendly key exchange service to each one of our valued customers. We continually improve our service to ensure that you have the best possible experience. In line with this commitment, we will be implementing changes to our pricing effective June 15th, 2024 as follows:

Why the Change?

Our decision to update our pricing reflects our dedication to maintaining competitive compensation for our extensive KeyNest Points network and our round-the-clock customer service team. The impact of accumulated inflation over the last few years and the evolving demands of our industry require these adjustments to ensure that we can continue delivering exceptional service to you.

Discounted Rates for Long-Term storage of spare keys

An increasing number of customers are using KeyNest simply to store a spare key which they can retrieve in emergencies or if someone gets locked out. We have therefore created a special “long-term storage” discount for keys that are stored for 30 days:

Each 30-day storage period will benefit from a reduced storage fee of €0.50 +VAT per day, essentially offering an automatic discount on storage for keys which aren’t accessed regularly. We want our pay-as-you-go plan to be as flexible as possible for all customers, so you won’t need to tell us in advance whether you’re planning to leave your keys there for the long term. Instead, we will apply the reduced storage automatically for all 30-day storage periods.

We want to be transparent about this adjustment, so if you have any questions or need clarification regarding these changes, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team at